Topic: Career Development

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Ask Anthony: How Can I Show That I Am Ready to Transition From Civil Engineer to Manager?

I recently received this question during a webinar I was conducting for ASCE on the topic of preparing for your annual performance review. First, I will say that your transition from civil engineer to manager may have nothing to do with being ready. It may depend on when your company needs you to make that transition – which means you should always be ready. However, in...

Tips for Starting Your First Civil Engineering Job

The Civil Engineering Roundtable showcases insights from a cross-section of ASCE members on a variety of industry topics. As spring transitions to summer, it’s the start of that most exciting of seasons – new job season. Civil engineering graduates are preparing for a transition from campus to office. And that’s not always an easy move. Fortunately, they’ve got help in this edition of CE Roundtable, which...

Ask Anthony: Can You Inspire Someone to Be Motivated?

How do you motivate engineers so that they want to step up and take ownership of their work, instead of being content with just being along for the ride? This was a question I received recently while serving as the lead instructor for the inaugural ASCE Power Skills series, a new series of live leadership training sessions being provided by ASCE for members nationwide. For...

Ask Anthony: Why Should I Get Involved in Advocacy as a Civil Engineer?

Before I dive into an answer to this question, let’s take it one step at a time for those civil engineering professionals who aren’t clear on what advocacy means. From a basic level, we find the definition of advocacy being the act of pleading for, supporting, or recommending; active espousal. Wikipedia gives a more complete definition, related to politics: Advocacy is an activity by an individual or group which aims to...

4 Ways to Boost Your Civil Engineering Career

Are you wondering why you need soft skills as a civil engineer? The Workplace Learning Report, which LinkedIn published last year after surveying 4,000 professionals globally, showed that the top learning priority was how to train for soft skills. Civil engineers must be prepared to keep up with an evolving workplace. To thrive in the field, soft skills are critical for successful teams and projects. You’re probably...

ASCE Plot Points Season 1 Episode 13: Generation Gap

Every generation sees the world through a different lens. But has the smartphone revolution made the current generation gap more difficult to navigate than previous changes? On today's episode, Muhammad Elgammal discusses the situation from his unique perspective: young professional in the field/wise teacher in the classroom (2:33). In the Career Minded segment, Maria Lehman, business development director for Parsons' New York region, talks about the skills...

Board Takes Bold Steps Toward Future Readiness of the Profession

If Board meetings had themes, this one would be “the future.” Early on the agenda for the recent ASCE Board of Direction meeting, held Jan. 24 in Orlando, FL, was the reveal of a new, future-focused name and logo for ASCE’s key educational initiative. Formerly known as “Raise the Bar,” the initiative is now entitled “Engineer Tomorrow: Knowledge for a Changing World.” The rebranding reflects...

Nicaragua Childhood and World Travels Inspire Engineering Success for New Face Honoree

Her story begins in Nicaragua, but follow closely, because the plot moves all over the map from there. Madeley Arriola Guerrero, A.M.ASCE, an associate engineer for Chen Moore and Associates in West Palm Beach, FL, holds a remarkably world-wise perspective early in her career thanks to a decade of global education and engineering work. ASCE has honored her as a 2019 New Face of Civil...

Passion for Clean Water Drives Bentolila

Salvador Bentolila has traveled the world, engineering and implementing water solutions. But it was a trip to Kenya last summer that really drove home the importance of his work. “I had read about and seen images of how communities in Kenya lived and knew about all their issues with water, but it really made an impact on me when I went there and saw it with...

New Face Honoree Uses Social Media to Promote Civil Engineering

So, what exactly do engineers do when they go to work each day? Andrea DuMont thought she knew. After all, she grew up in a family of engineers. She aced her math and science classes. President of the robotics club in high school. Good grades in college. Civil engineering major. And yet … “I grew up thinking I would just sit in a cubicle, do some math, do...