Topic: Career Development

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Ask Anthony: What Is the Most Important Credential I Should Acquire as a Civil Engineer?

I don’t have a right or wrong answer to this question, because the answer depends on a few key items. However, I will try to give you some tools and information that you can use to answer this question for your specific situation. First, I will say that I highly recommend that as a civil engineer you pursue your professional engineering license. I know that...

Letter to a Young Engineer Shares Seven Pieces of Advice

This letter, from a father to a son, was written by professional engineer Bob Breeze upon his son’s graduation as a mechanical engineer. The letter was published in a collection entitled, Letters to Young Engineers, published by the University of Ontario Institute of Technology and edited by Daniel Hoornweg, UOIT associate professor and Jeffrey Boyce research chair. Inspired in part by Ranier Maria Rilke’s...

Ask Anthony: How Many Hours a Week Does It Take to Get Ahead?

In building the Engineering Career Coach website, I have had the honor to talk with and assist hundreds of civil engineers in their career development efforts. I also spent 15 years building my own civil engineering career from a land surveyor position in high school to an associate in the same firm at 27 years old. In this post I want to answer some common...

10 Ways to Cultivate Innovation in Your Company

This is the second in a series of three posts about innovation and creativity by Brent Darnell, Aff.M.ASCE, president and owner of Atlanta-based Brent Darnell International. For more information, email [email protected] or visit In the first post in this series, we talked about why it’s important for companies to promote innovation. Now we’ll look at 10 ways to do just that. Many of the following...

Ask Anthony: The key to successful networking

The key to successful networking is in the building of relationships.

Focus on the Important Things – Career Advice from an Expert

Hi, my name is Anthony Fasano. I am a licensed professional engineer, but instead of engineering I now spend my time inspiring engineers through different ventures and content channels. I worked for about 15 years as a civil engineer – primarily in land development but I also had exposure to structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, and environmental engineering early in my career. I even spent a...

5 Issues Dominating the Civil Engineering Profession

As an engineer, you are always tackling new challenges. It is important for you to stay informed on issues affecting your profession, so you can be prepared with better solutions for tomorrow. Watch these videos from the Interchange series as ASCE’s senior managing director Casey Dinges interviews industry leaders on the hot topics dominating the civil engineering profession: 1. Creating sustainable communities that address the...

Recruiting Trends in Civil Engineering

Civil engineers are in demand. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of civil engineers is projected to grow 20 percent from 2012 to 2022, faster than the average for all occupations. As infrastructure continues to age, an increased number of civil engineers will be needed to manage projects rebuilding bridges, repairing roads, and upgrading levees and dams. But what kinds of specific skills...

Letter to a Young Engineer

This letter, from a father to a son, was written by professional engineer Bob Breeze upon his son’s graduation as a mechanical engineer. The letter was published in a collection entitled, Letters to Young Engineers, published by the University of Ontario Institute of Technology and edited by Daniel Hoornweg, UOIT associate professor and Jeffrey Boyce Research chair. Inspired in part by Ranier Maria Rilke’s...