Topic: Society News

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Langan VP Elevated to Fellow

Arthur Alzamora, P.E., F.ASCE, senior associate and vice president at Langan Engineering & Environmental Services Inc., and a significant contributor to the civil engineering industry, has been named a Fellow by the ASCE Board of Direction. Alzamora is a vital part of Langan’s geotechnical engineering team, providing technical expertise and exceptional communication between project team members on challenging high-profile projects. By displaying a leadership style...

Bechtel Pipeline Award Goes to Bell

ASCE has honored Graham E.C. Bell, Ph.D., P.E., FNACE, F.ASCE, with the 2019 Stephen D. Bechtel Pipeline Engineering Award for his exemplary 35-year career as a researcher, practitioner, and educator, fostering a dynamic evolution of the industry for standard-of-care issues for the condition assessment, rehabilitation, and corrosion control of linear and vertical civil infrastructure. Bell has more than 35 years of experience in water infrastructure....

Hardesty Award Recognizes Varma

ASCE has honored Amit H. Varma, Ph.D., M.ASCE, with the 2019 Shortridge Hardesty Award for his research contributions to the stability and design of steel and composite members and his service to the profession as chair of the ASCE-SEI Metals TAC and chair of the SEI/ACI joint committee on composite members. Varma has contributed to the application of research results to solving practical structural stability...

Honoring Maser With Wilbur S. Smith Award

ASCE has honored Kenneth R. Maser, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE, with the 2019 Wilbur S. Smith Award for leadership and instrumental innovation, both domestically and internationally, in developing and providing highway agencies with driving-speed nondestructive methods for subsurface condition evaluation of pavements and bridge decks. Maser is a distinguished civil engineer who is a nationally and internationally recognized authority in research, development, and deployment of nondestructive...

Baquerizo Tabbed for the Roebling

ASCE has honored Andres Baquerizo, P.E., M.ASCE, with the 2019 Roebling Award for his leadership in innovative deep foundation construction technologies. Baquerizo has successfully completed many challenging projects and is constantly seeking out innovative solutions for the most difficult of problems. Consequently, his foundation solutions are often the result of his "thinking" outside the box. Through his work, he has impacted the local trends with respect...

For Peurifoy Award, It’s Robinson Fayek

ASCE has honored Aminah Robinson Fayek, P.Eng., M.ASCE, with the 2019 Peurifoy Construction Research Award for her contributions in fuzzy logic theory and practice for construction engineering and management. Robinson Fayek is in a distinct class of academic civil engineers who have successfully bridged the gap between academic theory and engineering practice to exert real change within the construction industry. Since joining the University of...

Abdel-Aty Picked for Francis C. Turner Honor

 ASCE has honored Mohamed Abdel-Aty, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE, with the 2019 Francis C. Turner Award for outstanding leadership in the field of road safety, nationally and internationally. Abdel-Aty has made an exceptional impact on the transportation field with his extensive publication record, his service on committees, his presentations at conferences, and his commitment to outstanding teaching and mentoring. He has established himself as a world leader...

Masad Named for 2019 Laurie Prize

ASCE has honored Eyad A. Masad, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE, with the 2019 James Laurie Prize for definite and transformative contributions to the advancement of transportation engineering through his continuing innovative research on asphalt concrete micromechanical modeling. Masad’s research spans from topics that result in the creation of new fundamental knowledge to topics that provide solutions to immediate problems being faced by engineers in the transportation...

Harvey Gets Masters Award

ASCE has honored John T. Harvey, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE, with the 2019 Frank M. Masters Transportation Engineering Award for research, development, and implementation results in the areas of pavement design, materials, rapid construction, pavement management, and the quantification of environmental impacts on pavement. These results are used around the world. Harvey is a recognized and accomplished leader in the field of pavement engineering whose innovative...

Leite the Halpin Award Honoree

ASCE has honored Fernanda L. Leite, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE, with the 2019 Daniel W. Halpin Award for Scholarship in Construction for scholarly contributions made at the interface of construction project management and building and civil information modeling. Leite is a nationally and internationally recognized construction engineering leader who has developed a research program at the interface of construction project management and information modeling. Her goal...