This is a question I struggled with myself when I started out as a young civil engineer working in the field of land development. When you work in land development, there are many different aspects to a project, so I ended up learning enough about each one of them to ensure successful project completions. However, looking back, I wish I’d taken a different approach.
With spring graduation season in full swing, it’s a good time to take the temperature of the civil engineering job market.
David Odeh, P.E., S.E., SECB, F.SEI, F.ASCE, is well-positioned for insights as principal at Odeh Engineers Inc. in Providence, RI, a full-service structural engineering consulting firm at the forefront of the building-information-modeling revolution.
He talked with ASCE News about the current job outlook – especially...
Civil engineering graduates, rejoice. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics is on your side.
The 2016-17 Occupational Outlook Handbook projects an 8 percent increase in civil engineering employment from 2014 to 2024.
“As infrastructure continues to age, civil engineers will be needed to manage projects to rebuild bridges, repair roads, and upgrade levees and dams as well as airports and buildings,” according to the handbook.
Meanwhile, the...
The million-dollar question that is currently running through the minds of thousands of civil engineering students: How do I find a civil engineering internship?
And with good reason.
Finding a good internship can set you up for early career success as a civil engineer.
Here are seven actions you can take immediately to find your next civil engineering internship:
1. Ask your professors for help
Professors in civil engineering...
Imagine you could go back in time and meet yourself at 22 years old.
What would you say to your younger self?
What career advice would you offer, given all you’ve learned since?
What nuggets of civil engineering wisdom would you bestow?
We asked our members. Here’s what they said:
Jaffer Almosawy
Jaffer Almosawy, EI, ENV SP, A.M.ASCE, Engineering Intern I – GCW Inc. – Las Vegas, NV:
“Be assertive, take...
Your time is limited, today more than ever. Like most everyone, civil engineers are overextended, and between their careers and personal lives they have way too many responsibilities.
That said, sacrificing networking due to a lack of time could be a dangerous move that jeopardizes your career success. As a civil engineer, your network will drive your success.
Your network can provide a mentor to help...
I am not currently in a position where I’m involved in the hiring process for a civil engineering company, but have been in the past, and wanted to answer the following question that I recently received:
If I have a master’s degree in civil engineering and an engineer-in-training (EIT) certification, will my resume go straight to the top of the pile during the job hunt?
I recently received an interesting question from a young civil engineer who said that his perception at this point in his career was that to advance quickly and increase his salary, he must move to a new company every few years.
Is this accurate?
I believe it is a perception shared by many civil engineers, that if you stay at the same company for too long,...
Two important questions, and they'rve very much related: What concentration should I pursue for my civil engineering degree, and how much does it affect my ability to change paths later in my career?