Singh Recognized With 2020 Tipton

ASCE has honored Vijay P. Singh, D.Sc., P.E., D.WRE, F.EWRI, Dist.M.ASCE, with the 2020 Royce J. Tipton Award for his seminal contributions to the advancement of surface irrigation.

Singh works as Distinguished Professor, Regents Professor and Caroline and William N. Lehrer Distinguished Chair in Water Engineering at Texas A&M University. His contributions are particularly in five areas: (1) theory of surface irrigation, (2) systems modeling of irrigation, (3) infiltration modeling, (4) evapotranspiration modeling, and (5) irrigation systems planning and optimization. His contributions in these areas have been published in over 100 journal articles, a book, numerous book chapters and conference proceedings papers. To the broader field of water resources literature his offerings comprise 25 books, two solutions manuals, 60 edited books, 104 book chapters, over 950 journal articles, 314 conference proceedings papers, 72 technical publications and reports, 13 edited journal issues and 35 book reviews. His Google citations are over 42500, his h-index is 87, and his i-10 index is 687.

Singh has won over 88 awards for his academic, professional engineering and humanitarian contributions to society. He has received three honorary doctorates – one from the University of Waterloo, one from the University of Guelph, Canada, and another from the University of Basilicata, in Italy.

The Royce J. Tipton Award recognizes contributions to the advancement of irrigation and drainage engineering in teaching, research, planning, design, construction or management.



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