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StartUp, Part 4: 10 Do’s and Don’ts for Starting Your Own Engineering Firm

Read the Top 10 lessons learned from Mike Howell, CEO, Arrow Engineering

From The Source

Do leadership and social skills come naturally to civil engineers?

Franklin Sherkow, P.E., ENV SP, is an ASCE Fellow and Life Member, and former president of ASCE’s Oregon Section. He was on the civil engineering faculty at Oregon State University for six years before returning to consulting. In today’s Member Voices, he examines the notion of natural challenges for civil engineers when it comes to leadership and communication skills. What if people with certain traits

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Truax Receives 2020 Friedman Professional Recognition Award

ASCE has honored Dennis D. Truax, Ph.D., P.E., D.WRE, F.ASCE, with the 2020 Edmund Friedman Professional Recognition Award for advancing professional and ethical practice. Truax is Department Head and Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Mississippi State University. He has actively advanced professional and ethical practice during his academic career and through volunteer work with ASCE, NSPE, NCEES, ABET and the Mississippi state licensure

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Fu Given 2020 Alfredo Ang Award

ASCE has honored Gongkang Fu, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE, with the 2020 Alfredo Ang Award on Risk Analysis and Management of Civil Infrastructure for his outstanding contributions on risk analysis and management of bridge infrastructure. For more than three decades of exceptional contributions on risk analysis and management of bridge infrastructure, Fu’s research has remarkably advanced the safety and reliability of bridge engineering systems; life-cycle performance

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Welcome to the Era of the Virtual Event

In a moment now sadly rich in irony, University of Washington professor Kate Simonen attended a carbon neutral conference in Los Angeles this past March and thought to herself, “I don’t want to travel this much anymore.” The COVID-19 pandemic was still mostly impending in the United States. But for Simonen, it wasn’t even the pandemic concerns. “I was reflecting on my health, the time

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ASCE Partner EWB-USA Introduces New Executive Director

After 18 years of guiding the growth of Engineers Without Borders USA, Executive Director Cathy Leslie has retired. The organization’s new top executive is Jackie O’Brien, an EWB-USA board member. ASCE and Engineers Without Borders USA have a long-standing partnership to promote collaboration on projects, programs and initiatives that support the organizations’ common missions to make the world a better place and improve the practice of engineering.

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Society Awards – July 2020

ASCE presents nearly 100 Society awards every year, recognizing civil engineers who advance the profession either through achievement or published papers. The most recent Society awards are: • Mustafa Mashal, Ph.D., C.Eng, CP Eng, P.E., M.ASCE, and Alessandro Palermo, Ph.D., with the 2020 Alfred Noble Prize • Philadelphia Younger Member Forum (Large Groups) and Mississippi Section Younger Member Group (Small Groups) with the Younger Member

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Active Texas Engineer Klotz Dies at 94; Father of 2009 ASCE President

Billy “Bill” Wayne Klotz, a longtime engineer with Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam of Houston before founding his own firm with his son, has died. He was 94. He was the father of 2009 ASCE President Wayne Klotz, and himself an ASCE Life Member. Klotz, P.E., F.ASCE, was born in Texas and maintained an active life around both Houston and Victoria, Texas. While World War II

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Champion Honored as ASCE Fellow

Laura E. Champion, P.E., F.ASCE, an architecture, engineering, construction industry consultant and association management specialist, has been named a Fellow by the ASCE Board of Direction. For the past five years, Champion has been one of the profession’s technical leaders with ASCE’s Structural Engineering Institute (SEI). In line with the Institute’s, her mission is to advance and serve the structural engineering profession through every stage

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How to Find Your Work-Life Alignment

The pressures from one’s career and personal life can be difficult to cope with. So, finding the perfect work-life balance is crucial to having a healthy life and satisfying work environment. However, new studies show that professionals should aim for work-life alignment, not balance. Work and life should not be two separate entities. Instead, life is the big picture, and work should be a part

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