The Source

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4 essentials for sparking innovation

Civil engineering is built on skill and precision. But how can one spark innovation? Here are some tips

From The Source

Change agents

ASCE PLOT POINTS SEASON 4 EPISODE 11 Wanting to help save the world is an admirable goal. Figuring out just how you can plug that mission into your career path is the first step. Marjorie Bedessem is a senior engineer for Tri Hydro and the vice-president of ASCE’s Environmental and Water Resources Institute. And she’s excellent case study in navigating different career tracks to maximize

From The Source

Welcome to your new Civil Engineering Source

An all-new, digital news and information site, the Civil Engineering Source, debuts on Monday, Nov. 16. Civil Engineering Source is a new benefit providing ASCE members one-stop access to industry news, career and management articles, Society news, job postings, and practitioner-focused technical updates. The site also features a completely redesigned, mobile-friendly Civil Engineering magazine digital edition, with expanded online-only content published continually. A companion daily newsletter will

From The Source

Reduce your debt and stress

Paying off student loans and high-interest rate debt can cause stress for years. ASCE can help

From The Source

Want to call yourself a professional civil engineer? Know your history

Who is the father of American civil engineering? And what can he teach today’s engineers about successful infrastructure

From The Source

ASCE installs new Code of Ethics

ASCE has updated the primary document that guides and protects decisions made by civil engineers around the world.

From The Source

Army Corps of Engineers’ cold regions expert dies at 81

Wayne Nils Tobiasson, a noted cold regions engineer and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ 1992 Engineer of the Year, has died

From The Source

Bridge consultant and past National Capital Section president dies at 90

Roland “Buzz” Berger Jr., an expert in the field of bridge and highway design and former president of the ASCE National Capital Section, has died. He was 90. Among several activities with the Society, he served on the ASCE Task Committee for the Update of Manual 45, How to Work Effectively with Consulting Engineers, of the Committee on Practice Guidelines. Berger, P.E., F.ASCE, was born

From The Source

Dallas-area transportation engineer and former ASCE branch president dies at 91

Arthur “Fritz” Beck, a transportation engineer, professor, and former ASCE Dallas Branch president, has died. He was 91. For more than 50 years, every motorist in the Dallas–Fort Worth area and elsewhere in North Texas has driven on roadways, highways, interchanges, bridges, and other transportation infrastructure touched in some way by his engineering talents. Beck, P.E., F.ASCE, whose career spanned 67 years, was a past

From The Source