Topic: Society News

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WSSC’s La Plante Tabbed as Fellow

Rosanna La Plante, P.E., F.ASCE, a division manager with the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC), Regulatory Services Division, has been named a Fellow by the ASCE Board of Direction. La Plante shares responsibility for the federally mandated pretreatment program and enforcement of the WSSC Plumbing & Fuel Gas Code. Prior to that she worked for Baltimore City Department of Public Works, where she led and managed...

ASCE Welcomes Wamuziri as Fellow

Sam Chris Wamuziri, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE, professor of civil engineering and dean of the College of Engineering at A'Sharqiyah University, in the Sultanate of Oman, has been named a Fellow by the ASCE Board of Direction. Wamuziri’s research interests include occupational health and safety in construction, construction procurement, project risk management and project finance. He has served on several technical and scientific committees for national...

Future World Vision Floating City Excites With Possibilities at ASCE 2019 Convention

What if? Why not? Four short words; one entirely new mindset. It’s the essence of ASCE’s Future World Vision project, simultaneously open to and questioning of the civil engineering possibilities that will shape the way infrastructure works and society lives decades into the future. “We’ve got to have more people thinking this way,” said Lenor Bromberg, P.E., F.ASCE, deputy director of community development for the City of...

‘Incredible Journey’ Takes Gunalan Into ASCE Presidency

Kancheepuram Gunalan’s ASCE presidential year started with a beautiful speech … by his children. “When I look at my father now, with everything in the past stripped away, I don’t see him for what he’s done but for who he is,” his daughter, Pallavi Gunalan, told the crowd, Oct. 12, at the ASCE 2019 Convention in Miami. “I see him for his empathy and his...

Castle Recognized With Moffatt-Nichol Award

ASCE has honored William J. Castle, P.E., F.ASCE, with the 2019 John G. Moffatt–Frank E. Nichol Harbor and Coastal Engineering Award for his significant contributions and innovative solutions within the coastal engineering and construction fields. During his more than 45-year career, Castle has made outstanding contributions to innovation in the constructability port and coastal infrastructure projects. Constructability and value engineering (VE) have been his mantra...

ICSI 2019 – Make Sense of an Uncertain Future

Our planet is facing the convergence of increasingly severe weather, increases in population and limited natural resources, exacerbated in the United States and many other countries by outdated infrastructure that is nearing the end of its useful life. Looking over the horizon and considering the quality of life of future generations, civil engineers of today have a responsibility to plan, design, construct, operate and...

Finding the future of civil engineering through experiential storytelling

Alex McDowell is the award-winning production designer behind more than 20 Hollywood films, including “Fight Club” and “Minority Report.” Now he is bringing his creative genius to ASCE’s Future World Vision, a dynamic new scenario-planning tool that looks five decades into the future to consider potential ways society will advance, how the infrastructure we use every day will develop and how civil engineers must take...

StartUp: A Firsthand Look at Starting Your Own Engineering Firm

It usually starts with a daydream. “What if instead of working for my boss, I was the boss? What if I was the one making all the decisions? Maybe I could start my own company.”

PGF Sets Local Leaders Up to Thrive

The annual Presidents and Governors Forum (PGF) gathered 107 Section and Branch presidents, Region governors and Society directors from around the world to ASCE headquarters in Reston, Virginia. This Leader Training Committee-sponsored event provided opportunities for attendees to learn about ASCE resources, network with other ASCE leaders and develop skills that will benefit their Sections and Branches. The program began, Sunday, with an icebreaker, followed...

To Confront a Climate Change Future, Look to the Past, Author Urges

Ten minutes in the company of Jared Diamond, or spent simply reading one of his books, and you’re bound to come away looking at the world a little bit differently than you had before. The Pulitzer Prize–winning author of “Guns, Germs, and Steel” doesn’t just take a systems approach to questions of climate change and sustainability. His approach encompasses no less than the entire history...