Tag: Infrastructure

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Slideshow: Delhi-area airport to be India’s greenest

The Delhi Noida International Airport will also merge Swiss efficiency and Indian hospitality, according to Zurich Airport International AG, the company that will build and operate the facility.

American Rescue Plan Act provides billions for transit, rail, airports, and water

Signed into law on March 11, the American Rescue Plan Act focuses on relieving the economic harm associated with the coronavirus pandemic, but it also includes significant funding for infrastructure.

Civil Engineering Almanac – Theodore Roosevelt Dam dedicated

Reuben Hull's Civil Engineering Almanac travels back to the dedication of the Theodore Roosevelt Dam.

NIBS survey to help shape the future of social equity and the built environment

ASCE member input, through a new survey, can play a critical role in informing future efforts to improve social equity in the built environment.

Preliminary treatment facility will boost Philadelphia’s wet weather treatment capability

A planned 300 mgd preliminary treatment facility will increase Philadelphia’s wastewater treatment capacity, helping the city attain its goal of dramatically reducing combined sewer overflows.

Help ASCE raise the grades for America’s infrastructure

Every four years, ASCE releases the Report Card for America’s Infrastructure, which evaluates the condition and need for improvement of the nation’s infrastructure. The 2021 Report Card gave the U.S. a C- grade overall.

A year later – considering the effects of COVID-19 on civil engineering

ASCE's COVID-19 Community Calls podcast series featured civil engineers checking in on how the pandemic was changing their worlds. Now they're back reflecting with a year's worth of perspective.

Civil Engineering Almanac – Construction begins on the Alaska Highway

Reuben Hull's Civil Engineering Almanac travels back to the start of construction on the Alaska Highway.

Grand Cayman’s airport upgrades benefit from COVID-related traffic slowdown

The recently completed upgrades to Owen Roberts International Airport on Grand Cayman, the Cayman Islands, triple the airport’s aircraft movement capacity while improving its air quality.

Buttigieg, engineering leaders rally ASCE members to ‘summon the energy’ for infrastructure solutions

U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg delivered a rousing message of grassroots collaboration to close the ASCE Solutions Summit.