Tag: Disasters

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Earthquake Resilience a Point of Pride in Anchorage

Daniel Nichols’ garage is still standing. Granted, it smells strongly of salmon now. But it’s still standing. The magnitude-7.0 earthquake that shook Anchorage, AK, Nov. 30, did significant damage, make no mistake. One highway ramp interchange was nearly totally destroyed, among plenty of property damage. That it wasn’t much worse, though, is a point of pride for Alaskan civil engineers. “Considering how strong it was, how...

Can Pearl Harbor teach lessons for the organizations and companies of today?

Franklin Sherkow, P.E., ENV SP, is an ASCE Fellow and Life Member, and former President of ASCE’s Oregon Section. He was on the civil engineering faculty at Oregon State University for six years before returning to consulting. In today’s Member Voices, he examines how the lessons learned from the attack on Pearl Harbor seven decades ago can help us today. Can we learn lessons from...

ASCE Plot Points Season 1 Episode 2: Recovery, Rebuild, Resilience

It's been 15 months since Hurricane Harvey pelted Southeastern Texas with historic levels of rain. The resilience efforts continue, led by civil engineers like Carol Haddock. Haddock, the director of public works in Houston, gives us an update on the progress made in her hometown since Harvey . In this week's Changing the World segment, University of Central Florida student Zachary Loeb talks about how his love...

ASCE Leader Reports From California Wildfire Aftermath

Doug Taylor, P.E., M.ASCE, Region 9 disaster preparedness chair, has been rallying ASCE members to help assess and tag structures in Paradise, CA, site of the deadliest and most destructive wildfires in California history. Taylor provided ASCE News with the following update on the group's work: We just completed Day 5, and it's been a fascinating and wearying experience. Roughly 30 volunteers started on Thursday morning (11...

As California Wildfires Rage, ASCE Members Rally to Help

As California continues to contend with the deadliest wildfires in the state’s history, Doug Taylor is rallying ASCE members to help. Taylor, P.E., M.ASCE, the ASCE Region 9 disaster preparedness chair, has worked year-round to get more ASCE members in the state trained as Safety Assessment Evaluators. “We’ve tried to get more and more people certified so they can respond when disasters like this happen,” Taylor...

ASCE Governor Helps Take the Lead in Florence Assessment, Recovery

Upholding the public’s safety, health, and welfare is an everyday charge of civil engineers. So when a storm event strikes, it’s only natural that they are among those on the front lines to help with resilience and recovery efforts. John Fleming, P.E., M.ASCE, an ASCE Region 4 governor in South Carolina, is among those civil engineering superheroes lending a hand this week in the aftermath...

Advice From Civil Engineers to Peers in Florence’s Path

With Hurricane Florence making landfall on the U.S. East Coast this weekend, images of 2017’s autumn come to mind, when storms similarly wreaked havoc in Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico, and elsewhere. ASCE News contacted ASCE members in those areas still recovering from last year’s hurricanes and asked them to offer advice or any lessons learned for civil engineers now in the path of Florence. As Houston-area...

‘Father of Rescue Engineering’ Tabbed as Distinguished Member

David J. Hammond, P.E., S.E., Dist.M.ASCE, a structural engineer considered to be the “Father of Rescue Engineering,” has been named to the 2017 class of ASCE Distinguished Members for his leadership in creating the first teams of structural specialists for the Federal Emergency Management System’s Urban Search and Rescue System, for developing FEMA’s multiweek training program for structural specialists, and for serving as the...

Ham Radio Helps Keep Florida Community Resilient in Face of Irma

Resilience takes many forms. Interconnected city systems. Smart infrastructure. Or, in the case of Florida’s Nassau County last week – amateur “ham” radio. As Hurricane Irma lashed the county with rain and wind, ASCE Fellow Bill Brumund, Ph.D., P.E., D.GE(Ret.), joined a group of like-minded ham radio enthusiasts to provide critical communications services. It’s an interesting mix of retirees with doctoral degrees in psychology, an electrical...

Former Region 5 Governor, Louisiana’s ‘Ray’ DesOrmeaux Dies

Eugene Raymond “Ray” DesOrmeaux, P.E., F.ASCE, former Region 5 Governor and devoted Lafayette, LA, civil engineer, died recently, one day shy of his 77th birthday. A native of New Orleans, DesOrmeaux saw his life’s work as service to his home state of Louisiana, particularly the people of Lafayette. The ASCE Life Member served terms as president, secretary, and treasurer of the Louisiana Section, and was a...