Sara J. Somsky, P.E., F.ASCE, senior geotechnical engineer and department manager at Terracon, has been named a Fellow by the ASCE Board of Direction.
For the past 12 years Somsky has been involved with STEM volunteering opportunities through her involvement with ASCE and various other groups. Her most significant achievements are centered around inspiring the next generation of young engineers. She has intentionally focused on encouraging and influencing young girls and women in college to pursue a path in engineering, but she also encourages all children with different backgrounds to learn their potential. Somsky feels it is her duty and her honor to expand their knowledge about the possibilities and various paths young people can take to help further the future of the profession, then lead and inspire the following generation.
Somsky’s greatest reward is seeing the faces of future engineers light up as they explore geology, soil characteristics and support for buildings and structures. Engineering helps people look at a world of possibilities, and the possibilities are endless: “What can I make with that?” “How can I improve this?” “Aren’t those beautiful rock outcrops?” If just one person was inspired by their interaction with Somsky and chooses a STEAM career, is there a greater achievement?