ASCE has honored Panayiotis Diplas, Ph.D., P.E., F.EWRI, F.ASCE, with the 2021 Hunter Rouse Hydraulic Engineering Award for fundamental contributions to the role of turbulence in sediment transport, ecohydraulics, stream restoration, and scour
ASCE has honored Qingzhi Hou, Shunda Li, Arris S. Tijsseling, and Janek Laanearu with the 2021 J.C. Stevens Award for their discussion of “Rigid Water Column Model for Simulating the Emptying Process in a Pipeline Using Pressurized Air,” in the Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, March
ASCE has honored George Kuczera, Ph.D., with the 2021 Ven Te Chow Award for exemplary mentoring and leadership, both in teaching and research, in hydrology and hydrologic and water resources engineering – particularly in hydrologic modeling by addressing model, parameter, and data error structures – and for leadership in the practicing hydrologic engineering profession
ASCE has honored Hamid Moradkhani, Ph.D., P.E., D.WRE, F.EWRI, F.ASCE, with the 2021 Arid Lands Hydraulic Engineering Award for numerous groundbreaking contributions in data assimilation as well as drought and water scarcity studies in arid and semiarid regions.
ASCE has honored Kyle F. Flynn, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE, and Steven C. Chapra, Ph.D., F.ASCE, with the 2021 Samuel Arnold Greeley Award for the paper “Evaluating Hydraulic Habitat Suitability of Filamentous Algae Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler,” in the March 2020 issue of Journal of Environmental Engineering.
ASCE has honored Pratin Biswas, Ph.D., A.M.ASCE, NAE, with the 2022 Simon W. Freese Environmental Engineering Award and Lecture for his extraordinary accomplishments in using fundamental scientific principles and current research findings to solve the most challenging environmental problems
ASCE has honored William J. O’Brien, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE, NAC, with the 2021 Computing in Civil Engineering Award for his leadership in linking science, public policy, and the construction industry to drive technology development and progress.
Though Engineers Week 2021 celebrations looked a little different due to COVID-19 restrictions, ASCE members were still able to share their passion for the profession with the next generation of STEM enthusiasts