Civil Engineering Magazine

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Turtle-inspired dome tops former Tammany Hall

The interior of New York City’s former Tammany Hall was replaced with a modern concrete structure topped by dome that honors the Lenape

From Civil Engineering Magazine

Transit project extends rail to Silicon Valley

The $2.3-billion Berryessa extension project overcame
site challenges to bring heavy-rail passenger trains to Northern California’s Santa Clara County

From Civil Engineering Magazine

2021 AEC forecast: Up or down?

As the pandemic wanes, the architecture, engineering, and construction market will embark on a K-shaped recovery

From Civil Engineering Magazine

New bridge boosts capacity from Port of Long Beach

More goods can move faster across – and under – a cable-stayed bridge at one of the nation’s busiest ports

From Civil Engineering Magazine

Never miss an opportunity to network

Danielle Goudreau, P.E., M.ASCE, landed a job as a project manager by asking questions, attending conferences, and getting involved

From Civil Engineering Magazine

How COVID-19 affected maritime coursework

The pandemic caused some choppy seas for a maritime academy’s engineering students

From Civil Engineering Magazine

What is the cost of our failure to act?

When the nation fails to invest in infrastructure, everyone pays the price

From Civil Engineering Magazine

Seeking change in ASCE and the nation

Student voting rights and the 2021 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure can have a positive impact

From Civil Engineering Magazine

The recovery will be uneven in more than one way

As the economy recovers, firms should remember those workers left behind

From Civil Engineering Magazine

Why the AEC profession should avoid jury trials

One word was missing from a single instruction. The result? The parties may spend millions to fix the error

From Civil Engineering Magazine