Dawit Negussey, Ph.D., F.ASCE, professor of civil engineering in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Syracuse University, has been named a Fellow by the ASCE Board of Direction.
Negussey’s research and consulting interest while at Syracuse has focused on EPS geofoam engineering behavior and applications for infrastructure construction. He is Dean’s Faculty Fellow in Syracuse’s Graduate School, and was the founding director of the university’s Geofoam Research Centre. He was also chair of the ASTM-D-35 Task Group on Geofoam and of the Transportation Research Board Committee A2K01 on Soil and Rock Instrumentation.
Negussey has been a senior geotechnical engineer with Golder Associates in Vancouver and has authored technical papers on soil mechanics and geofoam engineering properties and applications, in addition to giving invited presentations at national and international conferences.
Representing ASCE and the American Association of Engineering Societies, Negussey has served on the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO) Committee on Capacity Building. He has been instrumental in facilitating engineering graduate education connections between Syracuse University and universities in Ethiopia. He was a longtime faculty advisor for Chi Epsilon and the National Society of Black Engineers, and presently represents Syracuse University on the National GEM Consortium.
Negussey earned a Ph.D. in civil engineering from the University of British Columbia, where he was also a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Industrial Research Fellow. He is a registered professional engineer in British Columbia.