September 2020

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Realigning ASCE for the future

The American Society of Civil Engineers stands at the edge of transformational change.

From Civil Engineering Magazine

Sidebar: Secure structures

The Nixon Forensic Center is an interesting combination of a health facility and detention center. The state of Missouri and WSP worked together to provide an environment in which patients would not feel as though they were in a typical incarceration environment. This had to be combined with consideration for the security and safety of patients and staff. Each of the six main living units

From Civil Engineering Magazine

House passes $10-billion Water Resources Development Act, focus turns to Senate

The Water Resources Development Act would fulfill a longstanding goal of many infrastructure advocates

From Civil Engineering Magazine

Carbon composites make their way from the lab to the field

Researchers at the University of Kentucky are pioneering a family of lightweight CFRP composite products

From Civil Engineering Magazine

Build your professional reputation on your own merit

Don’t take credit for someone else’s work

From Civil Engineering Magazine

Sidebar: Civil support

The design and construction of the new Nixon Forensic Center represented big changes for the site of the new psychiatric hospital—both in terms of the modern facilities that were planned and the changes that were necessary to prepare the physical site for those facilities. Most dramatically, the site featured a 60 ft drop in elevation from its high end on the northeastern edge of the

From Civil Engineering Magazine

Delivering a masterpiece

New York’s new Kosciuzsko Bridge links Brooklyn and Queens, reshaping the skyline of the boroughs it connects

From Civil Engineering Magazine