Topic: Society News

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Piechota elevated to Society Fellow

Thomas C. Piechota, P.E., F.ASCE, first vice president for research at Chapman University, has been named a Fellow by the ASCE Board of Direction.

Barbato welcomed as a new fellow

Michele Barbato, Ph.D., C.Eng, P.E., F.EMI, F.SEI, F.ASCE, a professor of structural engineering and structural mechanics in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at the University of California Davis, has been named a Fellow by the ASCE Board of Direction.

5 things you didn’t know about … the Ward House

Designated as a National Historic Civil and Concrete Engineering Landmark by ASCE and the American Concrete Institute in 1977, the Ward House in Rye Brook, New York, is a landmark that many people have never heard about.

New Face finds passion for water resources, community building

New Face of Civil Engineering Timothy Alston has turned his childhood appreciation for nature into a successful career in water resources.

Extroverted, energetic Boise leader honored as New Face of Civil Engineering

New Face of Civil Engineering Lauren Nuxoll's force of personality is helping her build teams and her hometown of Boise.

New Face honoree takes holistic approach to civil engineering

New Face of Civil Engineering Aaron Opdyke is passionate about teaching technical knowledge within a socioeconomic context.

Childhood dreams turn into engineering success for New Face honoree

New Face of Civil Engineering Kadapawo Gerald Opolot loved making miniature dams in the mud when he was a kid. Now he's working on the real thing, helping his home of Uganda develop sustainable energy solutions.

New Face honoree seeks systems solutions to world water crises

New Face of Civil Engineering Kimberly Pugel has taken her fear of climate change and turned it into positive action.

Family, community, engineering – New Face makes everlasting contribution

New Face of Civil Engineering Bahaar Taylor has taken multitasking to a new level.

Trailblazing New Face strives to rebuild Puerto Rico’s infrastructure

Growing up, Hector Colón De La Cruz recognized Puerto Rico’s expanding infrastructure concerns. This led him to spearhead the first Puerto Rico Infrastructure Report Card. His goal – to rebuild and improve the communities.