Tag: Ask Anthony

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Ask Anthony: What Is the Most Important Credential I Should Acquire as a Civil Engineer?

I don’t have a right or wrong answer to this question, because the answer depends on a few key items. However, I will try to give you some tools and information that you can use to answer this question for your specific situation. First, I will say that I highly recommend that as a civil engineer you pursue your professional engineering license. I know that...

Ask Anthony: How Many Hours a Week Does It Take to Get Ahead?

In building the Engineering Career Coach website, I have had the honor to talk with and assist hundreds of civil engineers in their career development efforts. I also spent 15 years building my own civil engineering career from a land surveyor position in high school to an associate in the same firm at 27 years old. In this post I want to answer some common...

Ask Anthony: The key to successful networking

The key to successful networking is in the building of relationships.

Focus on the Important Things – Career Advice from an Expert

Hi, my name is Anthony Fasano. I am a licensed professional engineer, but instead of engineering I now spend my time inspiring engineers through different ventures and content channels. I worked for about 15 years as a civil engineer – primarily in land development but I also had exposure to structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, and environmental engineering early in my career. I even spent a...