Gursharan Jit Singh Rosha, an arbitrator, technical advisor, consulting engineer, president of the ASCE India Section Northern Region, and ASCE Student Chapter advisor, has died.

Rosha, M.ASCE, had been only recently elected Section president for 2021-23. His enthusiasm and dedication to ASCE will be remembered.
“His dedication, sincerity, and understanding of ASCE guidelines was unmatched,” said Har Amrit Singh Sandhu, assistant professor of civil engineering at Punjab Engineering College in Chandigarh, India and secretary of the India Section Northern Region. “He was a wonderful guide, friend, colleague, engineer, and dedicated ASCE member. His sudden demise is a personal loss to me as well as left a void with ASCE India Section and the IS-NR.”
In addition to his role as ASCE IS-NR president, he had served as practitioner advisor to the ASCE Student Chapter at Punjab Engineering College, where he had earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in civil engineering. “He not only assisted me for the ASCE student chapter [launch] but introduced me to ASCE IS also,” Sandhu said.
Rosha was national president of the Institute of Hospital Engineering at the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, a premier medical and research institution in Chandigarh, where he was responsible for setting up advanced healthcare centers.
He had more than 42 years of experience in civil engineering, primarily in arbitration, technical advisory services, contract formulation, and contract management for the construction of large housing and commercial complexes with allied infrastructure. Since his retirement as a chief engineer in 2012, he had been a practicing consulting engineer.
Rosha also served as member of Tribunal Haryana (the high court of Punjab and Haryana) in the rank of additional chief secretary. He was a fellow of the Institution of Engineers, Indian Council of Arbitration, Institute of Hospital Engineering, Association of Consulting Civil Engineers, Institution of Valuers, Indian Buildings Congress, Indian Concrete Institute, and Indian Roads Congress. His memberships extended to Structural Engineering Institute, IGBC, and Council on Tall Buildings & Urban Habitat (USA). He was an empaneled arbitrator with IEI, ICA, IRC, and IIMA.
Rosha received a Gold Medal from the Chandigarh Administration for meritorious service.
Rosha had traveled widely across the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Europe, China, Singapore, and Turkey and was a keen golfer.