Tom Min Fui Ngui, Ph.D., C.Eng, CPEng, P.E., F.ASCE, principal consultant of Eramaju Synergy Sdn Bhd (Malaysia) and a practicing civil and structural engineer who has delivered projects of more than $1.3 billion over the past 25 years, has been named a Fellow by the ASCE Board of Direction.
Ngui is an experienced leader and competent engineer, passionate about working in the civil engineering industry, particularly leading and delivering complex mission-critical projects. He is professionally qualified in Malaysia, United Kingdom, Australia and the Netherlands.
He first joined ASCE in 1998. Besides ASCE, he is also a Chartered Fellow of many international professional bodies, such as the Institution of Civil Engineers. Ngui is a regular speaker, and enjoys addressing events, conferences and seminars on subjects ranging from engineering design to leadership and management. As a postdoctoral scholar, he writes journal articles and contributes to peer-reviewed journal publications and conferences. Following the 2015 Sabah earthquake, he developed specialist competency and interest in seismic engineering modelling and design.
Outside of engineering, Ngui is naturally curious and inquisitive; he is ever ready to learn a new skill or explore a new theory or technology. He has a special interest nestled at the intersections of economics, engineering and technology. Also keen on teaching and volunteering, he sees every opportunity as a small way of giving back to the community from which he continues to receive.
Ngui received his bachelor of engineering in civil engineering from the University of Leeds, United Kingdom, his master’s in business administration from the same university and his doctorate in management from Le Réseau des Grandes Écoles Spécialisées (Réseau GES), France.