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CE Roundtable – Managing Multidisciplinary Teams

The ASCE News Civil Engineering Roundtable showcases insights from a cross section of ASCE members on a variety of industry topics. Today’s roundtable considers the increasing importance of expanding your workplace collaboration not just beyond your own discipline but beyond the boundaries of your entire field. When managing a multidisciplinary team, is there a difference between how you manage nonengineer and engineer project specialists? Tony

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Davis Selected for Charles Martin Duke Award

ASCE has honored Craig A. Davis, Ph.D., P.E., G.E., M.ASCE, with the 2020 Charles Martin Duke Lifeline Earthquake Engineering Award for his outstanding contributions in promoting the seismic resilience of water supply systems. As a program manager for the Los Angeles Department of Water & Power, Davis initiated the department’s Water System Resilience Program. That program integrated all aspects of the water system, including operation

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Meet 5 Honorees for 2020 Huber Prizes

ASCE has honored the winners of the 2020 Walter L. Huber Research Prizes. They are— Amir AghaKouchak, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE, for his fundamental and innovative contributions to the study of hydrologic extremes, including droughts, coastal floods and compound natural hazards. AghaKouchak is a professor in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Dept. of Earth System Science, University of California Irvine. His group developed the

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5 lessons learned from the COVID-19 Community Calls series

April 2020 is not a month anyone will forget anytime soon, as the coronavirus pandemic emptied city streets and shuttered many businesses. The ASCE Plot Points podcast’s COVID-19 Community Calls series featured 33 phone calls in 33 days – April 1 through May 3 – talking to 33 different civil engineers about how the pandemic changed their jobs, their communities and their lives. Taken as

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3 keys to leading teams and fostering relationships in a virtual environment

It’s never been more important to be able to lead your team over a virtual platform

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Reshape how we build cost-effective mega-projects

Krishniah N. Murthy, P. E., F. ASCE, worked at Parsons Brinckerhoff for 34 years, including a role as senior vice president and principal project manager, managing multibillion-dollar transit projects for the firm. He was recruited by Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority to be its executive director for transit projects delivery and served in that capacity for seven years. Later, he served as interim CEO and

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4 Smart City Trends Shaping the Future

Imagine the future. Don’t just think of it, really immerse yourself in the possibilities. What does this future world look like? What does it sound like? And how did society get there? Now bring yourself back to the present. With smart cities on the rise, that world you imagined may not be as far off as you think. Civil engineers are some of the most

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The Not-So-Simple Return to the Civil Engineering Office

Joe DiPompeo starts work these days with a new morning routine. “I walk into the office every single morning with a disinfectant wipe in my hand,” said DiPompeo, P.E., F.SEI, F.ASCE, president-elect of ASCE’s Structural Engineering Institute, and founder and president of Structural Workshop LLC, a structural engineering and building firm in Mountain Lakes, New Jersey. “I wipe the doorknob and then work my way

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ASCE Innovation Contest Relaunches, Extends Entry Deadline

The 2020 ASCE Innovation Contest entry deadline has been extended to account for disruptions wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic. The contest will now be accepting entries through July 15. Developed as part of the ASCE Grand Challenge as a springboard for forward-looking infrastructure ideas, and in its fifth year, the Innovation Contest is open to anyone with a high school diploma (academics, industry professionals, undergrads,

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ASCE Resources to Keep You Plugged In

The coronavirus outbreak has altered many of our personal and professional lives. For ASCE, this meant shifting to virtual operations and canceling or postponing several events. While we must remain socially distant now, it’s our ongoing mission to do our best to serve you and the civil engineering community. We’ve put together some free virtual events that we encourage you to take advantage of. This

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