Reginald I. Vachon, an engineer, executive, and lawyer whose career and accomplishments always testified to his dedication to engineering, has died. He was
Eugene J. “Gene” Fasullo, whose long love affair with engineering led to his appointment as chief engineer of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, has died. He was
Horst G. Brandes, a professor of civil and environmental engineering at the University of Hawaii and former president of the ASCE Hawaii Section, has died
The official nominees for 2022 ASCE president-elect, as selected by the Society’s Board of Direction Nominating Committee, are Maria Lehman and Peter M. Moore
The authors of new paper designed and manufactured a 32 meter simply supported box girder bridge model to study the vibration characteristics of bridge structures caused by rail transit
In the high-risk industries of civil engineering and construction, workers are often exposed to serious hazards. According to OSHA, one in five worker deaths in 2018 were in construction. The leading causes are a result of the “Fatal Four” – falling, being struck by objects, electrocution, and caught-in-between hazards. So how can you improve safety and the overall success of your projects