New Face of Civil Engineering Kadapawo Gerald Opolot loved making miniature dams in the mud when he was a kid. Now he’s working on the real thing, helping his home of Uganda develop sustainable energy solutions
Growing up, Hector Colón De La Cruz recognized Puerto Rico’s expanding infrastructure concerns. This led him to spearhead the first Puerto Rico Infrastructure Report Card. His goal – to rebuild and improve the communities
A love for rollercoasters put Jayvon Garth on the ride toward a career in civil engineering and architecture. But specific life experiences further pushed him to focus on projects that foster diversity, equity, and inclusion
As a child, Chloe Gharios was taught to never be intimidated by the “man’s world.” Now, it’s her mission to inspire young women to break stereotypes and choose careers in STEM – a message she’s spreading via social media
Melissa Fischer’s first novel, The Advocacy, published in 2019, mixes all the human drama, emotional stakes, plot twists, and character development that you’d expect from a great work of fiction with a realistic portrayal of a working civil engineer