As southeastern Texas braces itself against relentless rain and what some have described as a 1,000-year flood caused by Hurricane Harvey, local ASCE leaders are working to aid the recovery and relief efforts. “The American Society of Civil Engineers sends our thoughts and concerns to all those impacted by Hurricane Harvey,” said ASCE President Norma Jean Mattei, Ph.D., P.E., F.SEI, F.ASCE. “Our condolences go out
Bilal M. Ayyub, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE, Dist.M.ASCE, has been honored by ASCE as a Class of 2017 Distinguished Member for his leading contributions in uncertainty and risk analysis for infrastructure resilience and sustainability in a changing climate with life-cycle economics. Ayyub is one of the world’s leading researchers in risk methods for the protection of critical infrastructure and key resources. His inputs have led to
Stephen A. Curtis, P.E., D.PE, Dist.M.ASCE, whose career as a practitioner of civil engineering spans 39 years, has been honored as part of ASCE’s 2017 class of Distinguished Members for his prominent contributions to port and harbor engineering and for advancing the profession through leadership of conferences, forensic investigations, and dissemination of those results to the port community. Curtis exemplifies what all engineers strive to
Charles Dowding, Ph.D., P.E., D.GE, Dist.M.ASCE, for his decades of vital contribution to geotechnical engineering and engineering education, has been honored as an ASCE Distinguished Member. Dowding’s insight into frequency response has enabled the discernment of cases of structural distress as apart from that caused solely by environmental effects. Such structures include residential and commercial buildings, buried pipelines, large excavations in rock (including caverns and
The picture is starting to come into focus. The ASCE Board of Direction spent a good portion of its quarterly meeting, July 28-29 in Baltimore, honing its strategic plan, a process that began in January with vision, goals, and measurables set to coalesce at the October meeting. The Board broke into focus groups to discuss and refine six goal statements. They then ranked several potential
The ASCE Board of Direction voted unanimously at its July meeting to adopt new language in the Society’s Code of Ethics that expresses a professional obligation to provide fair and equal treatment for all. The ASCE Code of Ethics, adopted in 1914, lays out the model for professional conduct for ASCE members. The newly adopted canon – Canon 8 in the Code of Ethics –
Texas Section 1988 President and former ASCE Board member Malcolm L. Steinberg Sr., a state Department of Transportation engineer and author, has died at 90. Steinberg, P.E., F.ASCE, enjoyed a 40-year career as a transportation engineer for the state in San Antonio and El Paso. An active ASCE membership included his Section presidency and as president of a local branch. He served on the ASCE
Joel Herbert Rosenblatt, a World War II veteran whose lengthy civil and structural engineering career based in Baltimore, MD, and in Florida included extensive time on international projects, has died at 92 at his home in Muncie, IN. Rosenblatt, P.E., F.ASCE, “contributed to the development of pre-stressed concrete used in bridges and housing as well as to the applied technology of hurricane resistance in the
William R. “Bill” Nash, P.E., M.ASCE, who applied expertise from a career as a construction engineer to enhancing ASCE’s policies and standards as a “pillar” of the Construction Institute, died unexpectedly on June 24. Nash represented ASCE and CI on the ANSI A-10 Standards Committee on Construction and Demolition, and served for a number of years as co-editor of CI/SEI’s award-winning journal Practice Periodical of
The project manager behind the new San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge East Span and other major works, Dennis Jyh-Yeh Jang, P.E., M.ASCE, senior vice president and structural engineer at T.Y. Lin International, has died unexpectedly at 62. Jang joined the firm as a project engineer in 1987, advancing to project manager for numerous long-span signature bridges and other structural projects. He proudly oversaw tremendous project and