Tonja Koob Marking, Ph.D., P.E., owner of the engineering firm Gaea Consultants LLC, has been named a fellow by the ASCE Board of Direction.
Marking was the 2019-20 Outstanding Civil Engineer for ASCE’s Louisiana Section and New Orleans Branch, in recognition of her achievements in academic and applied fields of hydraulic and environmental engineering. She also received the University of New Orleans Distinguished Service Award for her work establishing the student chapter of Engineers Without Borders, and recognition from the Sierra Club for her ecosystem restoration design of Bayou Eugene.
Gaea was established in 2000 and twice has received recognition from CityBusiness as a Top Woman-Owned Business.
In your book on the Huey Long Bridge you mention my great grandfather’s pile driving company, E.A. Whitney & Sons. I recall hearing about their driving the piles for the footings from my grandfather, Alton E. Whitney. You also mention the 1941 Final Report on the project. Is there any way I could get a copy of that report?
I am a graduate of LSUNO, now UNO, as well as LSU where I received my MS in Chem. E. I also have a Ph..D. in Chemistry from the State University of New York at Albany. I worked for Freeport McMoRan and for Crescent Technology in New Orleans as a chemical engineer before retiring.
Thank you for publishing that book.