Members will likely remember Robin Kemper’s 2019 presidential year for her many travels, visits and the inspiring, dramatic “Welcome to the wonderful world of ASCE!” opening line from her many speeches.
ASCE will likely remember 2019 as the year the momentous Future World Vision project launched.
Kemper herself doesn’t look at her ASCE presidency as some kind of legacy or personal accomplishment, but rather as a bridge toward continued success for the Society and the civil engineering profession.
“My overall goal was to leave the Society in a little better place than when I started,” Kemper said. “Did I achieve that? In my opinion, in some areas, yes.”
Kemper worked behind the scenes to establish a system of Champions Reports to help streamline the way the Board of Direction works to serve member programs.
She charged a new task committee to deconstruct and revise ASCE’s Code of Ethics for the first time in more than 40 years.
And she presided over the adoption of ASCE’s new purpose statement: To help you matter more and enable you to make a bigger difference.
“It’s our true north now,” Kemper said. “So when we’re making decisions about what we should be doing, what programs and services are best for our members, we look at it from this higher level. Everything we do is really all about our members.”
Click below to see more ASCE 2019 Year in Review content.