Tong Guo, Ph.D., C.Eng, F.ASCE, a professor of civil engineering at Southeast University, Nanjing, China, has been named a Fellow by the ASCE Board of Direction.
Guo has long committed himself to better structural performance and society resilience under multiple natural hazards. From damage evolution and prognosis for performance assessment of long-span bridges under coupled effects of corrosion, fatigue, creep, and/or seismic loading, to a series of self-centering and base-isolated structures for better seismic resilience of civil infrastructures, his research achievements have been applied in more than 30 different engineering projects. These vary from seismic isolation and retrofit to structural upgrade using self-centering components, to health monitoring of long-span bridges in China.
He has been the principal investigator for 32 funded research projects, including one National Key Research and Development Project ($1.5 million) and five projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. With over 150 published papers, he is also the lead- or co-author of 15 national or provincial standards as well as three books in engineering technology. His innovation and creativity have led to 38 invention patents in China.
Guo currently serves as associate editor for two ASCE Journals (Journal of Bridge Engineering and Journal of Performances of Constructed Facilities) and is an Education Committee member of ASCE Forensic Engineering Division. Beyond ASCE, he has been actively associated with the working group (forensic engineering) of the international association IABSE since 2011. He became a guest professor at Olso Metropolitan University in Norway in 2019.
He received his doctorate in 2005 from Southeast University, Nanjing, China.