Fariborz M. Tehrani, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE, an associate professor with three decades of academic and industry background in civil engineering, has been named a Fellow by the ASCE Board of Direction.
Tehrani’s emphasis in research and practice is on sustainable and resilient structural engineering, mechanics and materials (SR-SEMM): he has contributed to the publication of 10 books and nearly 70 papers and technical reports, and has presented nearly 90 papers and posters. His expertise takes in engineering design, management, education and leadership. His research on sliding seismic isolation resulted in a patented methodology – Sliding Foundation System with Safety Margin – applied in construction of a small building in 1998.
He has contributed to the engineering design of more than 50 structures and infrastructures, as well as the management and planning of nearly $150 million projects. In addition, his research has led to funding from NSF, CA DOT, LECA, and other public and private sources. He has also participated in funded programs by UNDP, BHRC and others.
He holds membership in ASCE, ACI, EMI, ASTM and EWB. He is a voting member of ACI 213 and ASTM C09, C12, C15, D04 and D18 committees and subcommittees, the Academic Committee Chair of the ISI, and the director of ESCSI. Further, he has served with NCEES, PMI, CHESC and EMI as panelist or subject matter expert.
Tehrani has reviewed articles for ASCE’s Journal of Structural Engineering, ASTM’s Journal of Testing and Evaluation, ACI’s Structural and Materials Journals, the International Journal of Damage Mechanics, the International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, and many other journals, including Elsevier’s Engineering Structures and Construction and Building Materials journals. He has served as an editor of the SAGE Open and is a member of the United Nations Global Compact Steering Committee, in California State University.
He has mentored ASCE, MidPac and Chi Epsilon Student Chapters at Cal State. He has also served as the professional mentor of EWB student chapters in the University of Southern California, University of California San Diego, and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo on multiple projects in Honduras, Ontario and Nicaragua.
Tehrani received the ASCE Region 9 Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award in 2015 for leading the ASCE Student Chapter from 2010 to 2015, the Best Practice Award from California Higher Education Sustainability Conference in 2017, and the best Research Award from ASCE Fresno Branch and San Francisco Section for two separate projects in 2019. He is also the recipient of several other awards and recognition for scholarship and practice from CA Legislature Assembly, CA DOT, iCAN, SVIIF, UCLA Extension, CSU Fresno, LCOE and BHRC.
He is credentialed as Professional Civil Engineer, Sustainability Professional, Project Management Professional, and Safety Assessment Program professional.
Tehrani earned his B.Sc. in civil engineering from Sharif University of Technology, his M.Sc. in soil mechanics and foundation engineering from Amirkabir University of Technology, and his M.Sc., Degree of Engineer, and Ph.D. in civil engineering from the University of California, Los Angeles.