ASCE 2018 New Faces of Civil Engineering Boast Wide Array of Interests, Achievements

Think of it a bit like ASCE’s 10 under 30.

Each year, ASCE identifies an exceptional group of rising talents as the New Faces of Civil Engineering, shining a spotlight on 10 outstanding young professionals who exemplify the future of the profession.

This year’s class of young professional New Faces, each 30 or younger, boasts a diverse array of interests and achievements.

Some are already managing their own civil engineering projects. Others have traveled the world doing civil engineering service work. Many are passionate about student outreach, inspiring the next generation of New Faces.

And all are remarkably accomplished at such an early stage in their careers.

Meet the class of 2018 New Faces – Professional.

Click on each photo to get to know ASCE’s 2018 New Faces of Civil Engineering:

Almosawy jaffer aaziz a Amiri (1)fernando fernando 1jessica c ChenDiaz Fanas guillermo (1)alexa d DucioameMcEwen sarahruwanka 2 Purasinghheadshot neerajcasie Venable


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