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Ask Anthony: As a recent civil engineering grad, how can I get a job – quickly?
Pandemic or no pandemic, the key to finding a job remains the same.
First Step: New engineer pivots from Disney to NASA
Maxx Taga, EIT, A.M.ASCE, took a circuitous route to civil engineering — one that wound from movies to roller coasters and rocket ships.
Continued learning and setting boundaries are keys to career growth
Kush A. Vashee, P.E., CAPM, ENV SP, LEED Green Assoc., M.ASCE, advises younger engineers to adopt a growth mindset and practice empathy.
First Step: Internship and interview practice pay off
A childhood spent playing with Legos and Tinkertoys evolved into a college experience that included ASCE’s concrete canoe competition and more, helping Garrett Brogdon, A.M.ASCE, land his first job.